United States and International Memberships
Annual Renewal $12.50
The Member agrees to abide by the SCPS By-Laws and Code of Ethics, and to use this website at his or her own risk. The SCPS shall not be responsible for the actions of others, beyond what is required in the By-Laws and by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Member privacy is of utmost importance to the SCPS, and will not spam its Members using their private information, nor provide information to third party entities. The SCPS shall use only the information which is required to interact with and serve our Membership according to our Mission Statement, By-Laws, and Code of Ethics.
Member privacy is of utmost importance to the SCPS, and will not spam its Members using their private information, nor provide information to third party entities. The SCPS shall use only the information which is required to interact with and serve our Membership according to our Mission Statement, By-Laws, and Code of Ethics.